Word to Britney - if your heart isn't in it then please let it go! It's clear from your latest video that you don't even want try to dance so take the money and run to Texas and take your babies. Go live in hick-heaven and settle down. By the way - the weave looks good!
You want a "piece" of Britney? Neither do we..
Labels: Britney, Train-wreck
Kimora Lee and Djimon Hounsou, really?
Okay where the F have I been? Am I the last person on earth to know that Kimora Lee and Djimon Hounsou are an item?? Apparently this has been news since March. I love it!! Being a fan of Life in the Fab Lane and just about every film (and the "Love will never do without you" video) that he has done, how can I not be. It does seem like an odd coupling, but adorable none the less. If this is info you already know, please forgive my tardy report!
Labels: Kimora Lee
Blind Items!
Here's the latest blinds from Crazy Days and Nights:
#1 This divorced A list rock star God and father, takes his invincibility to a whole other level when he is self medicating. When he does, his guns come out and his clothes come off. Recently he and his "doctor" were naked except for machine guns and night vision glasses when the police found them. Neighbors in his LA community had called police to report machine gun fire and loud screaming and yelling. When the cops showed up they found our rock star and his "doctor" in the above stated positions. Sure they had been firing away, and should have gone to jail. Instead the police asked about the guns and asked for autographs.
#2 This lead singer from one of the greatest bands of all time has always been known as a ladies man. He was, but no longer. Now he much prefers the company of men. As in, never goes out with women anymore despite what he publicly professes.
#3 B list film actor in top 15 film each of the past two years is starting to get a little crazy. Seems his drug habit is getting out of hand. Not in the amount of money he spends, but what happens when he gets wasted. After three hellacious nights of partying, a friend of our actor came over to the actor's house and saw that the actor had taken $20 bills and made wallpaper out of them. There were over $25,000 in $20 bills glued to the wall of one of the bedrooms. Glued as in never usable.
#4 This Idol star is in negotiations with an adult magazine to shed her good girl image and to reveal all in an upcoming pictorial. Right now there is a $2M offer sitting on the table.
Labels: Blind Items
I Love New York 2 Reunion Show Rumor
As a Big Screw You to Management at Vh1 I’m BLOWING THE LID ON THIS WHOLE
THING. HERES HOW IT PLAYS OUTNY choses Tailor Made. Hot 97 blew the lid on
one. E-mails were intercepted from NY to Tailor who were at the time
time apart until the Reunion Show. And despite the denial…NY is
pregnant and Get this …….the Lil’ Apple is Bhudda’s. This is
revealed on the
recently filmed reunion show when New York shows up with a
new enlarged part…
her belly.Tailor Made feels betrayed and leaves NY.
Bhudda swears he wore a
condom, but NY says its his. ( I think an appearance
on Maury Povich is in the
works). IShe is about to Give Birth to the biggest
cash cow ever: I LOVE NEW
YORK 3.VH1 wants to keep NY’s Pregnancy under
wraps until the reunion show to
ensure ratings.I can’t lie. We Did ONe
awsome job on the reunion show this time
around. Its Heated with alot of
twists. You definetely have to tune
in.Unfortunately certain members of our
production team were cut out of the huge
advertising profits. So SCREW YOU
VH1If these +@^& kers would pay me more I
wouldnt have to Leak. So who
got the last laugh VH f-ing 1? WHOS YOUR
DADDY?Insider at the Reunion Show
Production Team
Labels: Fakery, I Love New York 2
The Queen of Da Nile
Just when we thought Queen Latifah was slowly inching out of the closet, she
slams the door shut again!
The actress/singer is denying reports that she and long-term girlfriend, Jeannete
Jenkins, are getting married.
Latifah is intent on continuing the charade
that Jenkins, who is a personal trainer, is her personal trainer and that’s the
extent of their “relationship.”
Does Queen Latifah look like she’s been
working out a lot? No!
“There ain’t gonna be no wedding,” Latifah said this
past weekend. “When you’re famous these days, it’s just part of the deal —
unfortunately. People will make up all sorts of things that are not true.”
Labels: Queen Latifah, Rainbow Gayness
Blind Items!
We love blind items! You know, blind items are when you have really juicy scoop but can't say who it is because you don't want to get sued! Our favorite blind item poster is Ent from crazydaysandnights.net. Here's a few of the latest. Post your guesses in the comments section! :)
#1 - This B list television actress. I say B list because she is on a hit network show. It is an ensemble, but she is one of the stars, and thus, B list. If she was just a recurring character, than maybe a C. Anyway, she lives with a guy. Not a celebutard. He is a celebrity. Can't say what he does because it would give it away. If he was an actor I would say it, so that should give you some help. Anyway, turns out that our actress refuses to have sex with him. Yep. She only had sex with him until they moved in together. Now, all she does is yell at him, and call him names. Oh, and dresses him in her clothes. He puts up with it though. For now.
#2 - This one is kind of common knowledge, but thought you might get a kick out of guessing. This aging film actress from a very famous family and in a very famous entertainment case was at a party once. In front of her was what she guessed was a small bowl of sugar. She scooped out most of it and placed it in her coffee cup. Turns out it wasn't sugar, but instead was a bowl of cocaine worth about a thousand dollars. The hostess was not pleased and the actress was never invited back.
#3 - This married A list film actor with child(ren) dropped off his car with valet at a restaurant in LA. When the valet got into the car, there was a horrible smell coming from the car that could only be described as something dead. There was nothing actually in the car, but it seemed like it was coming from the trunk. The valet told his boss, and instead of asking the actor about it, called the cops. The cops came, smelled the same thing, and went and got the actor and asked him to open the trunk. Two dead bunnies inside. Seems they had dies three days earlier and he just hadn't got around to throwing them away and had been sitting in his trunk for three days. The cops took them for him.
#4 - B list film actress. I say B list based entirely on name recognition. Everyone knows she is an actress, but honestly it seems like forever since she has been in anything. A+ name recognition though. Bit of a drug problem. OK, more than bit. A lot. A bunch. She could keep the cartels in business by herself. She needs to go to rehab. The whole family knows she needs to go rehab, but she thinks she can do it on her own. Doesn't want the stigma attached to her about rehab. She is not one of those people who seeks out publicity and certainly not for that. She has been quietly meeting a counselor for several hours each day, and trying to make it. If she doesn't make it through though, don't be surprised if she disappears for awhile. If she does go to rehab, it will not be in the US or anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.
Labels: Blind Items
Will Smith gets his due
Will Smith was honored in Hollywood today at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre with the hand/foot print ceremony. I for one say, it's about damn time! The Fresh Prince has been one of the biggest movie stars on the planet I think it's great that he received this kind of recognition. It is one thing to get one of the stars on a random Hollywood Block next to a porn shop, but getting your prints in cement that's a whole other thing. Congrats Will!
Labels: Will Smith
Oprah takes Iowa to CHUUUCH!
Oprah channels her inner Angelou and delivers a magnificent speech while campaigning with Obama this week. Listen to the way she connects with the crowd. As with all things once the Big O puts her stamp of approval on something it's only a matter of time....
Labels: Barrack Obama, Oprah
Did Bow Wow's Diva Antics Backfire?
An insider with the tour spoke EXCLUSIVELY to MediaTakeOut.com and told us
exactly what went down. According to that insider, Bow Wow was scheduled to
close the show in his hometown of Cincinnati. But tour promoters decided to
rearrange the schedule at the last minute and move Chris Brown to the "closer"
spot.And Bow Wow was not at all pleased with their decision. The insider told
MediaTakeOut.com, "[Bow Wow] got really upset and trashed his dressing room ...
everything was torn apart. And somehow he must have hurt himself doing it."The
following night, Bow Wow sat out the concert's Chicago tour date. The insider
explained to MediaTakeOut.com, "I'm not sure if it was because of [his injuries]
or his bruised ego, but he wasn't there in Chicago ... It was cool though. The
crowd didn't miss him one bit because Chris Brown killed it."What's going on
with all this tour beef. First it was Keyshia Cole acting up. Then it was R
Kelly (with NeYo), then Rihanna (with Ciara) and now Bow Wow. Can't we all just
get along....
Labels: Bow Wow, Chris Brown
Indy's Back...is out.
Here's the scoop on the new Indy pic:
Just as the official site has released the official poster for "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," USA Today has also revealed some confirmed details from the super-secret plot.
First up, the action is set at the height of the Cold War in 1957 which mean the character has aged in real time -- 19 years since 1989's "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade".
Once the now quiet-life leading archaeologist is thrust back into danger, the signature Indiana Jones red line tracing across the map will take him to New Mexico, Connecticut, Mexico City and the jungles of Peru on a quest for South American relics with supernatural powers.
Despite all the gray-hair jokes, Indy is still swinging from dangerous precipices and absorbing punches. In the process he's racing for the Crystal Skull against operatives from the Soviet Union, including Cate Blanchett as the seductive Agent Spalko, and Ray Winstone as an unethical rival archaeologist.
The theory behind the skulls themselves are that they are shaped by either higher powers, alien powers, or an ancient Mayan civilization.
Labels: Indiana Jones
We LOVE Beyonce, but this is hilarious!
Even with these 10 most ridiculous things, there can be no hating. We are Beyonce fans!
Labels: Beyonce
BW's 10 Most Fascinating People
On our radio show this week I bashed Barbara Walter's picks for the 10 most fascinating people of the year. My main point of contention were The Beckhams (??) and Katherine Heigl. I felt the need to retract my Katherine Heigl comments after watching the show. I have to say I really appreciated her layed back demeanor and the fact that she really didn't take the "honor" that seriously. I will go as far as to say she may have made BW a little uncomfortable by her lack of excitement, I LOVED it! So here's to you Katherine Heigl for being a normal chick who doesn't think fame makes you a god. I must say though there were other people that Barb could have filled those spots with. Where was Tyler Perry? I know many people feel that his movies are budget and could be done in a church auditorium, BUT isn't it fascinating that he has taken his career into his own hands and become a multimillionaire??? Hopefully next year BW and ABC will find ten people we can all agree on.
Labels: Barbara Walters