Hey Paula! Don't Quit Your Day Job!

Yikes - when we heard that Paula Abdul was performing at the Superbowl we were curious. When we heard that Paula would be performing her new single "Get Up and Dance" we were disappointed (no Straight-Up? No Cold Hearted?). When we heard that Paula would be pre-taping the show and lip-syncing the performance we were disgusted.

But nothing could have prepared us for what we saw. It was so fake and boring that we could literally see Simon dying. This woman critiques thousands of performers a year and is supposed to be aiding in the search for a new superstar?? The song sounds like a song Miley Ray Cyrus threw in the trash. Her outfit looks like a rejected costume from her video with the cartoon cat....and she doesn't even dance like she used to?! At least we know what kept Paula away from performing for all these years - she can't.

Really. What was she thinking?? Here it is in its mediocrity...ooops - we meant entirety.

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