Does Tobey Maguire Have A Flowbee Haircutting System?

Mr. Maguire, with fame and fortune and your very own film franchise, was it not possible to find a decent haircut? I mean, there's got to be a Fantastic Sam's close by. There's just no need to use a Flowbee hair cutting system unless you have 8 kids, a farm and live in Montana.

And just in case you did this cut on purpose to try and set a new trend or a new style let me say this: "No!". We do not look to you for fashion, style nor trendsetting. Leave that nonsense to Jessica, Lindsay and Ashton - they have no talent so that's about all they can do. You made "The Ice Storm", "Wonderboys" and "Seabiscuit" - you don't need to try and get a fashion line or a cologne because you can actually act!

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