Britney Spears Needs To Go Away!

Just when you thought that the madness of Britney Spears had climaxed in 2007, she opens up the new year with a new scandal. She went ballistic last night and reportedly held her own son hostage and had to be hospitalized. We love to make fun of stars and their shenanigans but this is now akin to beating up a blind, deaf, semi-retarded hooker!

The fact of the matter is that Britney needs to go away from L.A. and the spotlight and get some help. Let K-Fed be Mr. Mom and let Britney get it together. It's just sickening to see a completely insane woman out of control be hounded by the world.

We now, sadly, must agree with that freakish YouTube post by the crazed Britney fan who declared "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE"! This girl will most certainly end up like Anna Nicole Smith if someone doesn't have her committed and get her in a hospital.

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